The O'Bryans
About Us
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Here is where I describe us in more detail.

We live in the Black Hills of South Dakota, in Sturgis where the Motorcycle Rally is held every year. 

I grew up in Southern Florida West Palm Beach area) and Deb grew up in and around Minneapolis, Mn. I went to North Shore High School in West Palm Bech and Deb went to Richfield High School. I've lived in serveral countries in Europe as well as many states here in the United States.


The Police Department...

Where I work!

I am a Police Officer here in Sturgis. Which means I am a Public servant and try to do my job the way the public as a whole would like. My job also has many frustrations, both political and social (A job with frustrations? Hard to believe, huh?), but what I like best about it is that it is never dull, there's always something new just around the corner. 


Enjoying our new grandson...

Here's a list of some of our favorite movies:

Tomb Raider,
Stars Wars (all)
Rat Race (very funny)
Fifth Element
Remember the Titans
Blues Brothers

Here's a list of some of our favorite music:

Grease, Enya, Carmen, 50's, Smashmouth, some of todays music...